Properties and uses of angelica

właściwości arcydzięgla

Angelica has been known in folk and traditional medicine for a thousand of years. Its medicinal properties were recognized as early as in the Middle Ages, whence its common names: angel’s herb, archangel’s root. Moreover, in addition to its numerous medicinal properties, angelica is sometimes used in the production of liqueurs and perfumes. What are the effects and uses of angelica?

The Use of African Botanicals in Aromatherapy

african botanicals in aromatherapy

Aromatherapy, the traditional therapy of essential oils and other plant extracts, gained much popularity in holistic healing and has been used for thousands of years. Although many regions of the world have helped develop Aromatherapy, the African continent offers perhaps the greatest diversity in traditional and modern botanicals. This article sheds light on the huge contribution of African botanicals to Aromatherapy by revealing their origins, characteristics, uses, and the scientific basis of their efficacy.