Cyclic dextrins are a group of complex carbohydrates that consist of glucose linked in cyclic structures. These are oligosaccharides that are formed by the breakdown of starch by the action of enzymes such as amylase. The best-known representative of this group is beta-cyclodextrin.

These unique structures are characterized by their ability to form complexes with other molecules, which makes cyclic dextrins applicable in many fields. They are mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry, where they serve as drug carriers, improving their stability, solubility and bioavailability. In addition, due to their binding properties, they are used in food technologies to stabilize flavors and colors, as well as in the cosmetics industry to improve formulations of personal care products.

Cyclic dextrins are valued for their low toxicity and good tolerance in the human body, further expanding their potential applications.

Dietary supplement additives
