Characteristics and composition of soybean press cake
Soybean press cake has a high crude protein content, ranging from 40% to 45% , depending on how the soybean seeds are pressed. The raw material is also a rich source of essential amino acids for cattle, including lysine, methionine and threonine.
The oilcake provides animals with crude fat (6-8%), which is a source of energy. It also contains crude fiber (5-7%), which supports the proper function of the digestive tract of cattle.
In addition, soybean press cake provides valuable micro- and macronutrients, such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and magnesium, as well as B vitamins.
Benefits of using soybean press cake in cattle nutrition
- Thanks to its high protein content, the oilcake is a key ingredient in the diets of dairy cows and beef cattle.
- It is a good source of energy due to the presence of fats in their natural form.
- It contains amino acids in the ideal ratio for ruminants.
- The presence of dietary fiber regulates digestion and reduces the risk of metabolic disorders.
- Soy protein provides the ingredients necessary for intensive milk production.
Use in rations
Soybean press cake can be used to supplement concentrate feed for dairy and beef cattle. It is readily used in feed mixtures due to its high nutritional value and digestibility. The optimal dose depends on the age and condition of the animals, but it is recommended to use up to 15-20% in feed mixtures.